Sunday, November 4, 2007

I know it's a bit early but...

today I'm thankful for realVNC.

For quite a while now, I've had a bit of a problem. I do and store all my work on my home computer. This makes it difficult go to campus, or anywhere, and do work. My usual solution has been to put files on a flash drive and take my laptop. Of course, this is a pain and I usually forget something.

Many of my colleagues just store all their work files on department servers which can be accessed from anywhere. I have a psychological hangup that has kept me from doing this--I want *everything* to be in one place. On top of that, UNIX is a pain.

Enter realVNC. With this nice program, I can access my home PC using my laptop from anywhere with internet access.

EDIT: Before I was having some problems connecting with my current laptop. It appears to only be a problem when I connect from home which, obviously, is not necessary. Yay!

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