Monday, October 1, 2007

Riding the Wave

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help me stay current/connected to the outside world. Of course, this is a relative statement because "the outside world" might mean world of economics outside of the specific papers I'm working on as much as it means the outside world outside world. In any case, I think it's been helpful for both. And it has helped me generate a few research ideas I may pursue in the future.

At the same time, it's my nature to be a very streaky person and lately I've been focusing my energy rather exclusively on writing up a paper. I've learned to embrace my streakiness. When a wave of energy/focus/enthusiasm comes along, I go with it as long as I can. This includes activities like cooking and reading along with the academic stuff. Pacing oneself is overrated--doing less today probably will not make one do any more tomorrow.

As for the paper, I'm eager to finish it and I think I'm fairly close. I started working on it a little less than two years ago. The process has been a roller coaster. I've wanted to burst into my advisors office with the latest exciting results many times. I've wanted to throw my computer out the window many more times. That said, I'm happy with how it's shaping up. And I'm pretty sure my next/other papers will go more smoothly and more quickly with this one under my belt. (Why? First of all, mean reversion. Second, this is the first paper I started.)

Anyhow, I guess this is to say that the recent post drought is likely to continue for awhile. Then again, perhaps this post signals a blogging streak.

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