Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Changing American Family

From Lundberg and Pollack's paper published in the latest Journal of Economic Perspectives.
  • "The proportion of children under age 18 who are living with only one parent rose from 9 percent in 1960 to 28 percent in 2005."
  • "25 percent of non-Hispanic white births, 48 percent of Hispanic births, and 70 percent of non-Hispanic black births were nonmarital in 2005."
I knew these numbers would be high but seeing them still took me aback. Also interesting
  • "Total hours of housework in married couple households fell more than 20 percent between 1965 and 1995 (Bianchi, Milkie, Sayer, and Robinson, 2000) but, though husbands’ hours of housework increased substantially, wives still performed most of the housework at the end of this period. In the 2005 American Time Use Survey, married women reported an average of 16 hours per week of “household activities” compared to less than 11 hours for men."
Might men not wanting to do housework explain some of the decline in marriage? (Of course, the expected amount of housework is endogenous to the decision to get married so this is a difficult question to answer.)


Anonymous said...

In the paper mentioned is this statement; "Women now attend college at
higher rates than men, and this difference is particularly large for those from disadvantaged

Could this be because of the governments largesse to this group?

Another social experiment?

Jason said...

I'm not sure I follow. I think government education grants are the same for men and women so I don't see how it could explain why women are more likely to go to college than men. That's just saying that disadvantaged women are much more likely to go to college than disadvantaged men--but both are less likely to go to college than those from affluent backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

Maybe more of those disadvantaged men are in prison for crimes against humanity due to the perceived, "easy money", of selling drugs, stealing etc. as a source of income! Women are not as prone to crime, as a source of income and in lieu of that, decide to go to school instead.

Unknown said...

I think men are also more likely to go into a trade field such as construction or mechanics.